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FREE Personal CPR Masks for every Trainee!  


Need a Mobile First Aid Course?

We can help! We offer onsite or office First Aid courses to a variety of companies across the province. Our classes are run through The Canadian Red Cross and all certificates are issued directly from them for a maximum 3 year term.  We are experts at delivering First Aid courses that are appropriate for you and your team.


All LifeEd courses are taught by licensed Paramedics in Alberta who are experts at teaching First Aid courses. By sharing their knowledge, experience and passion, they provide course participants with real and memorable skills so they can be ready in the event of an emergency.


Emergency First Aid Courses (EFA)

Basic One Day Course 

Standard First Aid Courses (SFA)

Complete 2 day Course 

chiLdcare & Babysitter First Aid courses 

For Childcare Providers 

Health Care  Provider Courses (HCP)


SFA for healthcare providers  

Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation &​ Automated Electrical Defibrillator Courses (CPR & AED)

Basic CPR & AED skills training.

Need Red Cross Courses Online ? 

There is a wide variety of online health and safety courses available for online independent learning through your Red Cross Portals. Please let us know if you would like to offer these to your team! Our self- directed online courses are non refundable and non- transferable:


Click each course for more info!

H2S Awareness (English Only) 


Life Education Inc 

(403) 919-9295

Courses available 7 days a week, and at a location of your choosing! We come to you!



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